
6:30 PM18:30

Ask The Experts: Children First Zoom Town Hall

Join in Monday’s parent-led Zoom Townhall with legal and environmental experts October 18 @ 6:30PM

Still confused about what’s happening and what to expect at 250 Water Street? Finally, get the answers you need, and learn how to take action.

Featured Expert Panelists:

  • Licensed Professional Environmental Engineer, Keith Brodock

  • Experienced Environmental and Land Use Attorney, Reed Super

  • Professor Emerita of Lehman College, City University of New York, Board Director for NYCGrow, and Expert Witness on noise impacts, Arline L. Bronzaft, Ph.D. 

Register in advance for this meeting:

(After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.)

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2:50 PM14:50

Children First Press Conference

"Just say NO!" Press Conference: Join us!

WHEN: Tomorrow, Tuesday, September 14 at 2:50 PM (directly after school dismissal)
WHERE: Peck Slip Play Street
WHAT: A Press Conference



Comptroller Scott Stringer and our District Leaders will join parent organizers of the parent-led coalition, Children First, at a press conference calling for the safety and well-being of school children attending school across from a toxic lot at 250 Water Street in the Historic Seaport District. The community is calling out developer Howard Hughes Corporation for its reckless endangerment of the Peck Slip and Blue School children, neighbors, and seniors at Southbridge Towers, as well as the entire Seaport Historic District. Please join us!

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6:00 PM18:00

CB1 Environmental Protection Committee Meeting

7/26      Environmental Protection Committee – 6:00 PM
Location: Manhattan Borough President’s Office - 1 Centre Street, 19th Floor Southside, Entrance on the South side of building. Community Board members, applicants and public members are required to attend in person.

The public is encouraged to use webex via  due to acute capacity constraints.

  1. 250 Water Street Brownfield Cleanup Program and Remedial Action Work Plan - Report by Lawra Dodge, President, Excel Environmental Resources, Inc.

  1. 250 Water Street Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) - Presentation by Saul Scherl, Howard Hughes Corporation; Adam Meister, Howard Hughes Corporation, Wesley O’Brien, Fried Frank & Charlie Fields, AKRF

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6:00 PM18:00

CB1 Environmental Protection Committee Meeting

 Location:  Live Remote Meetings -

  1. 250 Water Street Brownfield Cleanup Program - Update by Lawra Dodge, President, Excel Environmental Resources, Inc.

  2. 250 Water Street, Draft Scope of Work for an Environmental Impact Statement (CEQR No. 21DCP084M ) - Discussion with Howard Hughes Corporation

Click here for the Draft Scope of Work.

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10:00 AM10:00

Landmarks Preservation Commission Hearing on 250 Water Street

The Historic Seaport, birthplace of our beloved City, needs your voice on Tuesday, January 5th
Building two 400+ feet towers at 250 Water Street will bring years of toxic clean-up, noise, dust, heavy machinery, and other hazards with grave consequences for our children.  But at this hearing, the Landmarks Preservation Committee (LPC) wants to hear about your love for the Historic Seaport. 

What – Landmarks and Preservation Commission (LPC)
When:  Tuesday, January 5, 2021
Time: 10:00 AM (the presentation may take a while, so keep it on in the background and hop on when your name is called!)
Where: links and passwords will be available on Monday January 4th – here -

Please remember to keep comments on how the design, height, proportion, and bulk of the building will overwhelm the surrounding 4 and 5 story buildings. LPC is most concerned with how this proposed building will (not!) fit into the architectural and historical character of the Seaport Historic District.

 January 5, 2021 Public Meeting Overview

  • Public Hearing/Meeting Agenda is available here

  • Applicant presentations are available here

  • The livestream will be available on our YouTube channel here

  • Sign up to speak here

  • Send written testimony to (written testimony is accepted until 12 noon on the Monday before the Tuesday hearing/meeting, but we strongly recommend submitting by 5 PM on the Friday before the hearing)

  • See instructions for participating in our virtual public hearings here.

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to Jan 4

Landmarks Preservation Commission Written Testimony Submission


To: Send written testimony to
When: written testimony is accepted until 12:00 noon January 4th, but the commission strongly recommends submitting by 5 PM Friday, January 1st
Subject lines for emails below:
Subject line for 250 Water Street - LPC-21-03235 – 250 Water Street - South Street Seaport Historic District
Talking points: Should reference the (in)appropriateness of the structure within the Historic District. Such as Bulk, size, time period, matter

What's at Stake
The development of nearly 50 story towers is significantly different from 12 story towers. The towers, nearly 4 times taller than zoning allows, will likely take more than 3 years to build, in contrast to the year it would take to build the current 12 story zoned maximum. And that’s if nothing gets held up - or changed! For an elementary school student, we’re talking HALF of their early education - if the massive project suffers no set-backs.

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2:00 PM14:00

City Planning Scoping Meeting for 250 Water Street

Scoping meetings give the public a voice in a proposal's environmental impact statement, a document disclosing environmental impacts and mitigation.

How to Participate
Links to watch or join the meeting online, and dial-in information to participate from any phone, will be posted in advance of the meeting.

Submit Written Comments
Please email comments to

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6:00 PM18:00

CB1 Landmarks & Preservation Committee Meeting (Just to discuss 250 Water Street)

We must raise objections now! Otherwise Howard Hughes Corporation (HHC) will destroy current zoning laws and Historic District protections put in place by our community to preserve this special neighborhood: the birthplace of our city. 

If we don’t act, starting next year - as kids are finally in school full-time working to make up for a year and half of educational and emotional deficits due to the pandemic - HHC will begin the  5+ year construction of two wildly out-of-scale 470-foot tall towers. Peck Slip and Blue School students would be subjected to half a decade of heavy construction on the acre-wide site directly across the street from these schools. Our playstreets, roofdeck playspace and streets will be overrun with dangerous high-rise cranes, construction trucks, and pile drivers; dust, debris and constant noise.  

During this global pandemic, as we work at holding homeschooling, jobs, and our finances together -  Howard Hughes Corporation is lobbying OUR local representatives to get permission to harm our children by throwing out the low-scale zoning laws that govern the neighborhood.  

THIS IS NOT A DONE DEAL - YOU CAN HELP OUR HISTORIC NEIGHBORHOOD AND PROTECT OUR CHILDREN. Make sure your voice is heard at all community board meetings going forward.

HOW TO ATTEND THIS MEETING: Live Remote Meetings -, where you can also register to speak in advance

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6:00 PM18:00

CB1: Environmental Protection Committee

Lawra Dodge, Independent Community Monitor, will present the findings of the Remedial Investigation. These findings will guide safety protocols that will be implemented during the remediation. *We know that high levels of mercury were once again found in the soil by the thermometer factories*

HOW TO ATTEND THIS MEETING: Live Remote Meetings -

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6:30 PM18:30

Town Hall re 250 Water Street

Please note the location: Pier 17 - South Street, 4th Floor (Pier 17 appears on Google Maps at 89 South Street while it appears on Apple Maps at 95 South Street)

Howard Hughes Corporation is hosting a Town Hall to present on the development of 250 Water Street. We strongly encourage all parents and community members to attend and represent the interests of the community. No registration is necessary.

We understand that Howard Hughes and Langan Engineering will share a presentation on the environmental investigation and remediation process planned for 250 Water Street, with information about the Brownfield Cleanup Program. A Q&A session for community members is expected to follow.

Questions? Email:

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